three fold
issue no. seventeen—winter 2025
Men of the Cloth, Men of Capital by Michael Jackman
Answer Me by Nora Baroudjian | translated by Tamar Marie Boyadjian
Imaginary Dinner Party, Part Sixteen by Lynn Crawford
Poetry by Jeanne Heuving, Jennifer Firestone, Timothy Yu, Carly Sachs, Dong Li, julie ezelle patton
related events
Murderous Again
The Dynamic Spoken Word of Lydia Lunch
with Tim Dahl and Matt Nelson
Thursday, February 13, 7:30 pm
$18 in advance | $20 at entry
Trinosophes, 1464 Gratiot Avenue, Detroit
Poetry & Sound
Carlos Lara, Kai Ihns, Zan De Parry, Emily Roll
in collaboration with Ceremonial Abyss
Saturday, February 15, 6 pm
$10–$20 suggested donation
Trinosophes, 1464 Gratiot Avenue, Detroit
Our winter 2024 supplement is presented in partnership with Media City Film Festival, a trailblazing festival for film and digital art based in Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan. Since 1994, the festival has engaged such artists as Yoko Ono, Michael Snow, Alvin Lucier, and hundreds others. The 27th virtual edition streaming online December 9 through December 30, 2024 features 70+ films from more than 30 countries, in full open access globally. In conjunction, Three Fold profiles eight artists whose moving image work is celebrated in the Spotlight Series: Richard Serra, Ja’Tovia Gary, Narcisa Hirsch, Jocelyne Saab, Mona Hatoum, Madeleine Hunt-Ehrlich, Nour Ouayda, and Christopher Harris.
Read our Spotlight Series artist profiles.
Three Fold Commissions Casey Sayer Brooks
from կաթիլ մը կին՝ անանուն անքերթուած
a drop of woman: unnamed unwritten by Tamar Marie Boyadjian
Who Knows What the Future Holds | I’ll Forget You by Pat Lewis & Samantha Linn
Imaginary Dinner Party, Part Fifteen by Lynn Crawford
Poetry by Daniel Borzutzky, Wanda Phipps, Robin Tremblay-McGaw, Ed Friedman, Jennifer Moxley

Osama, Nabil Harb, 2018. Photo courtesy the artist. All Rights Reserved.

Lake of the Clouds in Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park. Photo courtesy of Pure Michigan.
issue no. fifteen—summer 2024
The Strain Relief Cord
by F.F.
Three Fold Commissions Paul Schwarz
Inheritance, Chapter Three by Nabil Harb
Imaginary Dinner Party, Part Fourteen by Lynn Crawford
St. Augustine Confessing by Vincent Perrone
Poetry by Eléna Rivera, Vanessa Place, Benjamin Paloff, E. Tracy Grinnell, Philip Metres
Further Reading
The state of Michigan has approved $50 million in support of a new copper mine in the Upper Peninsula, with extraction occuring near the shore of Lake Superior.
Read from our archive, an excerpt from the book-length libretto:
by Jennifer Scappettone | issue no. six, spring 2022
“The book in progress from which this fragment hails began when I discovered that the copper-rod mill across the street from my childhood home on Long Island, whose unregulated dumping practices were in great part responsible for the community’s cancer cluster, had extracted and smelted its copper in the Peruvian Andes—through decades of labor manipulation that led the area of origin to be listed among the world’s most polluted sites. [...]
Three Fold Commissions Paul Schwarz
Inheritance, Chapter Three by Nabil Harb
Imaginary Dinner Party, Part Fourteen by Lynn Crawford
St. Augustine Confessing by Vincent Perrone
Poetry by Eléna Rivera, Vanessa Place, Benjamin Paloff, E. Tracy Grinnell, Philip Metres
Further Reading
The state of Michigan has approved $50 million in support of a new copper mine in the Upper Peninsula, with extraction occuring near the shore of Lake Superior.
Read from our archive, an excerpt from the book-length libretto:
by Jennifer Scappettone | issue no. six, spring 2022
“The book in progress from which this fragment hails began when I discovered that the copper-rod mill across the street from my childhood home on Long Island, whose unregulated dumping practices were in great part responsible for the community’s cancer cluster, had extracted and smelted its copper in the Peruvian Andes—through decades of labor manipulation that led the area of origin to be listed among the world’s most polluted sites. [...]
issue no. fourteen—spring 2024
Will You Miss Me?
A Dossier on The Hinterlands by Jonathan Flatley
Inheritance, Chapter Two by Nabil Harb
Imaginary Dinner Party, Part Thirteen by Lynn Crawford
Poetry by Susan Landers, Ann Lauterbach, Ron Silliman, BLUNT RESEARCH GROUP, Martha Ronk
related events
Will You Miss Me? by The Hinterlands
March 21 – April 7 at Play House, Detroit
The Hinterlands in Conversation with Jonathan Flatley
Sunday, April 7, 7 pm
Trinosophes, 1464 Gratiot Avenue, Detroit
A Dossier on The Hinterlands by Jonathan Flatley
Inheritance, Chapter Two by Nabil Harb
Imaginary Dinner Party, Part Thirteen by Lynn Crawford
Poetry by Susan Landers, Ann Lauterbach, Ron Silliman, BLUNT RESEARCH GROUP, Martha Ronk
related events
Will You Miss Me? by The Hinterlands
March 21 – April 7 at Play House, Detroit
The Hinterlands in Conversation with Jonathan Flatley
Sunday, April 7, 7 pm
Trinosophes, 1464 Gratiot Avenue, Detroit

Taba, Nabil Harb, 2018. Photo courtesy the artist. All Rights Reserved.
issue no. thirteen—winter 2024
Inheritance, Chapter One by Nabil Harb
To Bulldoze a Cemetery by Ayanna Dozier
related events
Ancient Prayerz
An exhibition of archival prints c. 1989-92 by M. Saffell Gardner and Aaron Ibn Pori Pitts
Trinosophes, 1464 Gratiot Avenue, Detroit
Exhibition runs through April 7, 2024
Ancient Prayerz
An exhibition of archival prints c. 1989-92 by M. Saffell Gardner and Aaron Ibn Pori Pitts
Trinosophes, 1464 Gratiot Avenue, Detroit
Exhibition runs through April 7, 2024
special section—december 29, 2023
In the wake of Artforum editor-in-chief David Velasco’s firing in October over an open letter signed by artists and scholars supporting Palestinian liberation, thirty-two writers retracted their pieces from the December 2023 issue, among them Adriano Pedrosa, Amy Taubin, Brontez Purnell, Catherine Lacey, Çağla İlk, Cindy Ji Hye Kim, Claire Bishop, David O’Neill, Erin Christovale, Erika Balsom, Gordon Hall, Gray Wielebinski, Hal Foster, Huey Copeland, Jace Clayton, James Quandt, Jason Moran, Jennifer Krasinski, Jensen Leonard, John Kelsey, John Waters, Meg Onli, Michael Fried, Nicole Eisenman, Rachel Kushner, Sarah Nicole Prickett, Sasha Geffen, Tiana Reid, Tiffany Sia, Tim Griffin, Tuan Andrew Nguyen, and Weyes Blood.
Three Fold extended an invitation to several of those who pulled their writing, and to punctuate 2023, we are publishing withdrawn Artforum contributions from Claire Bishop, Erika Balsom, and Weyes Blood. As genocide continues to unfold in Gaza and epistemicide and McCarthyism proliferate globally, Three Fold Press firmly stands in solidarity with all writers and artists who oppose the atrocities and war in Gaza.
–Jonathan Rajewski, Editor, Visual Art

Top Ten, 2023
By Claire Bishop
By Erika Balsom
By Weyes Blood
Weathering, Faye Driscoll, New York Live Arts, April 2023. As featured in Top Ten, 2023 by Claire Bishop. All Rights Reserved.

issue no. twelve—fall 2023
The Eternal Return
Blacula and the Thematic Aesthetics of William Crain by André Seewood
Galdr by Paul Elliman
Diego & Me by James D. Fuson
Letter to My Daughter by Ethel Kabwato
Imaginary Dinner Party, Part Eleven by Lynn Crawford
Poetry by CAConrad, Kweku Abimbola, Eileen Myles, Rob Halpern, Nicole Brossard
Blacula, William Crain, 1972. All Rights Reserved.

issue no. eleven—summer 2023
Flesh and Marble by Jonathan Rajewski
Looking Past the Exploitative Lens, Fighting Against Erasure by Michael Jackman
SIM ER by John Bennett
Walking and Talking
Performance by Ben Bennett
Imaginary Dinner Party, Part Ten by Lynn Crawford
Poetry by Rae Armantrout, Maged Zaher, Sarah Riggs, kim d. hunter, Michael Lally
Image courtesy the Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library. All Rights Reserved.
issue no. ten—spring 2023
Make Room for Dada: A Dossier on the Ridgeway Collective by Cary Loren
Three Fold Commissions
Julia Callis, Carole Harris, Anne Carson
Imaginary Dinner Party, Part Nine by Lynn Crawford
Poetry by Lee Ann Brown, Michael Palmer, John Godfrey, Alise Alousi, Bob Holman
Sorting the Piles
Short fiction by Lolita Hernandez

issue no. nine—winter 2023
Event: Film screenings by Raven Chacon & Cristóbal Martinez, Sky Hopinka, New Red Order and Miguel Hilari | ThousandSuns Cinema through January 30, 2023
Life After Prison: The First Three Months by James D. Fuson
Sweet Extinction by Francis McKee
Imaginary Dinner Party, Part Eight by Lynn Crawford
Poetry by Jena Osman, Charles Bernstein, Robert Laidler, Brenda Coultas and Norma Cole
A Song Often Played on the Radio, Raven Chacon & Cristóbal Martínez, 23 min, 2019. All stills, photographs, and artwork courtesy © Raven Chacon & Cristóbal Martínez. Screening co-presented with San Francisco Cinematheque and Three Fold Press, Detroit

issue no. eight—fall 2022
In Dedication: Aaron Ibn Pori Pitts
Dissidence: A Dossier by Cities of Asylum featuring Dmitry Bykov, Pedro X. Molina, Pwaangulongii Dauod
End of a Life Sentence: 28 Years, 8 Months, 3 Days, and a Wake-Up by James D. Fuson
Three Fold Commissions: Amna Asghar, Jocko Weyland, Robert Sestok
This is What Genre Can Do for You by Molly Zuckerman-Hartung
Out Front and Down Low, Part Two of an Interview with AACM Drummer and Composer Ajaramu by Ted Panken, 1977
Just Browsing by Jeff Karolski
Imaginary Dinner Party, Part Seven by Lynn Crawford
Poetry by Rosmarie Waldrop, Uche Nduka, Edwin Torres, Bruce Andrews, Johanna Drucker
Dissidence: A Dossier by Cities of Asylum featuring Dmitry Bykov, Pedro X. Molina, Pwaangulongii Dauod
End of a Life Sentence: 28 Years, 8 Months, 3 Days, and a Wake-Up by James D. Fuson
Three Fold Commissions: Amna Asghar, Jocko Weyland, Robert Sestok
This is What Genre Can Do for You by Molly Zuckerman-Hartung
Out Front and Down Low, Part Two of an Interview with AACM Drummer and Composer Ajaramu by Ted Panken, 1977
Just Browsing by Jeff Karolski
Imaginary Dinner Party, Part Seven by Lynn Crawford
Poetry by Rosmarie Waldrop, Uche Nduka, Edwin Torres, Bruce Andrews, Johanna Drucker
shoe, courtesy Dana DeGiulio

issue no. seven—summer 2022
Fire Blossoms
A Dossier by Yasmina Price
Three Fold Commissions: Arel Lisette, Alina Perez
Out Front and Down Low, Part One of an Interview with AACM Drummer and Composer Ajaramu by Ted Panken, 1977
Corn Man and Lemon Bar, Detroit
Photography by Garrett MacLean
4 Seasons by Matt Conzett and Maia Shikwana
Imaginary Dinner Party, Part Six by Lynn Crawford
Poetry by Rodrigo Toscano, Anne Waldman, Elizabeth Willis, Isaac Pickell, Anne Tardos, Clark Coolidge
Conspiracy (2022), Simone Leigh and Madeleine Hunt-Ehrlich, 16mm film stills. Courtesy the artists and Matthew Marks Gallery
A Dossier by Yasmina Price
Three Fold Commissions: Arel Lisette, Alina Perez
Out Front and Down Low, Part One of an Interview with AACM Drummer and Composer Ajaramu by Ted Panken, 1977
Corn Man and Lemon Bar, Detroit
Photography by Garrett MacLean
4 Seasons by Matt Conzett and Maia Shikwana
Imaginary Dinner Party, Part Six by Lynn Crawford
Poetry by Rodrigo Toscano, Anne Waldman, Elizabeth Willis, Isaac Pickell, Anne Tardos, Clark Coolidge
Conspiracy (2022), Simone Leigh and Madeleine Hunt-Ehrlich, 16mm film stills. Courtesy the artists and Matthew Marks Gallery

issue no. six—spring 2022
In Dedication: Rico Africa, Old Miami, Detroit
When Life Was a Gay Bar
A dossier by artist and writer Michael Conboy (Los Angeles) on the 1970s-80s Detroit scene of his youth, featuring paintings and illustrations, memoirs, drag photos, club fliers, and a short story
Three Fold Commissions: Nancy Mitchnick, Patrick Hill
Telephones by Paul Elliman
Excerpts from a pre-history of that moment when the human voice is first cut from its source in the body
Guess Where I Am by Paul Elliman
The Last to Figure It Out by Michael Jackman
Imaginary Dinner Party, Part Five
Forms of Engagement by Lynn Crawford
Poetry by Aaron Shurin, Stacy Szymaszek, Nathaniel Mackey, Norman Fischer, Jennifer Scappettone
Fiction by Evelyn Hampton, Rick London
Photo for Menjo’s advertisement, Michael Conboy, c. 1980s

issue no. five—winter 2022
On the cover: Night Cries: A Rural Tragedy, Tracey Moffatt, 35mm︎digital, 1990, courtesy of the artist © Tracey Moffatt and Women Make Movies.
Our winter 2022 issue was presented in partnership with Media City Film Festival, a trailblazing festival for film and digital art based in Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan. Since 1994, the festival has engaged such artists as Yoko Ono, Michael Snow, Alvin Lucier, and hundreds others. The 25th Anniversary virtual edition ran February 8 through March 1, 2022, featuring 70+ films from 30+ countries, in full open access globally. In conjunction, Three Fold profiled eight artists whose moving image work was celebrated in a Spotlight Series. [Read more ]
Artist In Residence In Exile, Megan O’Connell, 2021
Doom and Glory in the Cass Corridor
Part two of a dossier on Detroit visual artist Cay Bahnmiller—dream diaries, Gilbert and Lila Silverman, Der Imker (the beekeeper), mail art, communiqués, a secret spy network, Structo-vision, photography, books, and a kaddish for Cay by Cary Loren
Three Fold Commissions: Ruqayyah Alzona Al-Baari, Jim Chatelain, Chris Riddell
Bringing Detroit by Ian John Solomon, Jay Orellana and Crystal Mioner
Ruminations on Beauty by Rochelle Marrett
My First Stroll Through Eternity by Stephen Paul Trimboli
Imaginary Dinner Party, Part Four: Possession by Lynn Crawford
Poetry by Alice Notley, Peter Gizzi, Quincy Troupe, Rachelle Rahmé, Maureen Owen
Fiction by Garrett Caples, Jose Padua, Robert Lopez
Corazón Sangrante, Ximena Cuevas, México, digital, 4 min, 1993

issue no. four—fall 2021
Doom and Glory in the Cass Corridor, Part One: A Dossier on Cay Bahnmiller by Cary Loren
Three Fold Commissions: Hangama Amiri, Israel Aten, David Craig
Before, During and After by MGUN
Ghetto Tech: The Soundtrack to Black Ruin by Taylor Aldridge
Patching the Past: Reimaging the Buchla by Mark Milanovich
Imaginary Dinner Party: Part Three, Think Like a Detective by Lynn Crawford
Spoken word by Akinyemi Sa Ra
Poetry by Elaine Equi, Harryette Mullen, A.L. Nielsen, Cole Swensen, Dennis Teichman
Fiction by Sarah Schulman, Alan Franklin
I Miss Sonja Henie, Karpo Godina, 1971, 35mm frame enlargement courtesy the artist © Karpo Godina the Slovenian Cinematheque and Media City Film Festival. Restoration by the Austrian Film Museum
issue no. three—summer 2021
Three Fold Commissions: Katherine Yaochen Du, M. Saffell Gardner, Africanus Okokon
Disfluencies: A Dossier by Sky Hopinka
Plantocracy and Communism by Stefano Harney & Fred Moten
Super Natural by Imani Mixon
Catalog of Birds for Banjos: Joel Peterson in Conversation with Eugene Chadbourne
Imaginary Dinner Party, Part Two: Heal the People? by Lynn Crawford
Poetry by Ron Padgett, Rachel Levitsky, Kit Robinson, Michelle Naka Pierce, Will Alexander
Fiction by Wang Ping, Barbara Henning, Robert Glück

issue no. two—spring 2021
On the cover: a minor piece of damage (2020), Sid Iandovka
As Yet Untitled: A Dossier on Sid Iandovka & Anya Tsyrlina by Herb Shellenberger
Ekphrasis by Rachel Harkai
Amina Teaches by Luke Stewart
Alter Destiny: A Survivor’s Guide by Thomas Stanley
A Myriad of Self-Portraits by Sala Damali White
What Remains: Reflections on a Decade of Poetry Lessons in Detroit 2008-2018 by Norene Cashen
Imaginary Dinner Party: Part One, Under Stories by Lynn Crawford
Poetry by Christine Hume & Laura Larson, Ted Pearson, Bill Harris, Eleni Sikelianos, Brandon Brown
Fiction by Lolita Hernandez, Paul Jaussen, Cal Freeman

a minor piece of damage, Sid Iandovka
issue no. one—fall 2020
On the cover: Say Translation is Art (excerpt), Sawako Nakayasu
In Dedication: Meditation Device by Hannah Jones & Rebecca Mazzei

What’s Been Done and What’s Been Won by Bob Ostertag with Maureen Taylor
Integral Whirls: A Dossier on Ephraim Asili by Greg de Cuir Jr
Making a Making: Jonathan Rajewski in Conversation with Bill Dilworth
Black Lives Matter? by Fred Williams
What is in a Name by Imani Mixon
Art, Ritual & Theory in Mandenka Historiography by Nubia Kai
Wild Gardening & Improvisation by Thollem
Heal Ourselves by Peter Sparling & Thollem
Hear That Snap: Joel Peterson in Conversation with Hakim Jami
The Orgasmic Space Poetry of Henry R. Lewis by Cary Loren
Malayeen by Leyya Tawil
Poetry by Laura Moriarty, John Sinclair, Khaled Mattawa, Sawako Nakayasu, Tyrone Williams
Fiction by Owólabi, Lynn Crawford
Maureen Taylor, Hannah Jones, 2020