collage, 2023
11 x 8.5 inches
John Bennett
“The work was made by a poet-artist, or artist-poet, or poetist or artoet.”
John M. Bennett has published over four hundred books, chapbooks, and recordings of poetry and other materials. He was editor and publisher of LOST AND FOUND TIMES (1975-2005), and is Founding Curator of the Avant Writing Collection at The Ohio State University Libraries. His work, publications, and papers are collected in several institutions, including Washington University (St. Louis), SUNY Buffalo, The Museum of Modern Art, and other major libraries. His latest book is PULMONÍA (Luna Bisonte Prods, 2023). Bennett is co-editor, with Geoffrey D. Smith, of two works by William S. Burroughs: Everything Lost: The Latin American Notebook of William S. Burroughs and William S. Burroughs’ “The Revised Boy Scout Manual”: An Electronic Revolution; both published by The Ohio State University Press.
View next: Walking and Talking #101 by Ben Bennett