Susan Wheeler
The Bird Denizens of Scarlet Town
“What a disappointment that bird was.”—
King Hawk on his perch is plucking the fuzz.
The crows and the finches duck down because
a hawk’s measure is all a hawk knows.
Vireo’s a triller, its cry doesn’t screech;
a sparrow in fury just sounds like E.T.
A jay only mimics a red-shoulder’s spree;
once you thought my talons would grow.
Chickadees and warblers flock where they go,
a heron stalks, a pheasant crows;
flycatchers dive on cicadas not moles—
a hawk’s measure is all a hawk knows.
Go out to the meadow
Go out to the meadow
and find your dear
Darling, and when you do
tell her your tale,
Forgetting no part you
may have sundered,
Forgetting no thing you
did to lie low.
One night dark as tar when
you were a child
You saw a small bird at
your windowsill;
It held in its beak the
smallest blue chip
Of cerulean tile—
and while, awake
Now, you watched as the bird
turned in the light
You held at the window
the better to
See, it pressed with its beak
the tile fast to
The pane where the lamp lit
it blue—and as
The house slipped beneath you,
a ship’s drift in
Deep night, you—dull, clean, bathed
like a prince—you
Peered from the dark. Saw blue.
* * *
Was it what others said:
just a drugged dream?
You knew it was not, and
you remember
The tracing becoming,
on the tile’s face,
Features and outline, thorn-
ringed and bearded,
A man’s face that sounded
the voice of a
Child. It spoke to you: Do
not turn away.
* * *
Though sleep seeped through the house
you were awake.
Your cowboy pajamas
pinched your small bob,
You felt the turned wood in
your hand, the heat
Of the bulb through its shade,
you saw Texas
Fall out beyond you, dark and
vast as the sea.
When you return from the
green meadow, and
Turn from your dear to the
face in the blue,
Think on the ghosts who were sent
for our straying,
Who were sent to induce
our turning, too.
Nineteen Ninety-Two
We learned to read the belted pants, bunched in the back.
We learned your blood type, your cell counts, your drugs.
The bugle woman, out early on Grove, played reveille.
We saw the arm leaning on the other.
We lay in a circle with the infirm.
You were not allowed to visit.
We hugged you hard, and it hurt you.
At the church dinner you sang with him showtunes.
We found your father pre-grieving at your bedside.
There were children on your block dressed for Easter.
Christopher Street meant the pharmacy.
We loved you, and we sat with your mother.
We saw the wounds.
Others filed into the wedding play, seeing nothing.
Seventh Avenue was an infinite moat.
We spoon fed you ice chips in the room at St. Vincent’s.
You rallied, then you didn’t.
You would not inherit the lease.
The smallest pigeon, in the grave night air, pecked at the sidewalk and pranced.
Susan Wheeler is the author of one novel, Record Palace (Graywolf, 2005), and six books of poetry, including Meme (University of Iowa Press, 2012), which was shortlisted for the National Book Award, Assorted Poems (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010), and Ledger (University of Iowa Press, 2005). She lives in Philadelphia.