Gentle People, Kind People
Sky Hopinka
Adrian C. Louis—Love the Distant Roar (2011)
I made one of my first videos incorporating Adrian’s poems, and after he saw it he asked me to make a book trailer for him. I made two more over the years, before his death in 2018. This track was recorded on my phone during a reading he gave at Portland State University in 2011.
When you’re lost in the rain—Variations, 10 minutes (2019)
This version of When you’re lost in the rain comes from a 7-inch vinyl of the same name that I made as part of a residency at the Museum of Contemporary Native Art. There are a few different sonic elements from the video version, a language lesson between myself and my Ho-Chunk teacher Jeannette Smoke, a poem from Adrian C. Louis read by Trevino Brings Plenty, and the inclusion of the B-side of the vinyl, with a round of songs from a peyote meeting my dad put on for me before I moved to Wisconsin. The photographs featured as images over the first part of the variation are the same ones used in Lore, before I cut them up.
Read the calligram “You are the Dreamer, and the Dream” as it appears in Around the Edge of Encircling Lake (Green Gallery Press, 2018).
Next: manaqi hayu, manaqi łush, from Disfluencies: A Dossier by Sky Hopinka